英文: 1, Plato, Republic 2, Henry Perkinson, The Imperfect Panacea 3, William Hayes. (2007) The Progressive Education Movement: Is itstill a Factor in Today’s Schools? 4, Emile, Durkheim, Education: Its Purposeand Its Role. Education and Sociology. 5, Parsons,T. (1959). The School Class as aSocial System: Some of its Functions in American Society. Harvard Educational Review. 6, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis.(1976). Schooling in Capitalist America. London:Routledge and Kegan Paul. 7, Ramsey, P. G. & Williams, L.R. Multicultural Education: A Sourcebook.NY: Routledgefalmer. 8, Stella Theodoulou & Matthew Cahn.(1995). Public Policy: The Essential Readings. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey rentice Hall. 中文: 9,陈学飞主编。教育政策研究基础。人民教育出版社,2011. 10,托马斯,戴伊。理解公共政策(第十二版)。谢明译。中国人民大学出版社,2011. 11,约翰. 金登。 议程、备选方案与公共政策。(第十二版)丁煌、方兴译。北京:中国人民大学出版社。2003. 12,谢明。政策分析概论。中国人民大学出版社。2004年。 13, 许美德。中国大学1895-1995一个文化冲突的世纪。 14,费孝通。乡土中国。